
What is this disease actually?

Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is a virus that has recently been revealed; whose major risk is the unavailability of vaccines and no specific treatments for which the researches are still going on.

This virus basically spreads through the saliva or discharge from the nose of an effected individual when he sneezes or coughs.  It is attacking mostly ill elder citizens and babies with not fully formed immune systems.

And recently thousands and thousands of people are being affected by this disease all over the world, and there is a huge calamity being created. Now as I have mentioned above that the vaccines and treatments have not been formed yet, so for this we need to toughen our immune system so we can combat this virus.

Keeping our immune system is the solution to preventing this disease. In this blog I will be sharing few healthy foods that we can consume in order to fight this virus because a fragile body with a weak immune system will never be able to fight the virus once exposed to it, so start today and follow these steps to ensure your healthiness and a stronger immune system.

Consume immunity building vitamins and minerals. This will be the key to preventing this virus.

Let’s take a look at some of these super vitamins:

  • Vitamin A:

We need vitamin A to build anti bodies which neutralizes the infection. Vitamin A is present in oily fish, egg yolks, cheese, tofu, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes. Leafy green vegetables, like pumpkin and carrots are to be eaten at this time.

  • Vitamin B:

Vitamin B contributes to your body’s response once it recognizes any infection. So where can we consume vitamin B from? It can be found in cereals, legumes, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruits, fish, chicken, meat, and dairy products. All of these contain B6, B9, B12.

  • Vitamin C and E:

Vitamin C and E helps protect cells from any oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is experienced by the cells when they are fighting any infection. This stress can damage and pierce the cell wall. And so these vitamins can help in the building of immune system. Good sources of vitamin C can be oranges, lemon, lime, berries, kiwi fruit, broccoli, tomatoes and capsicums. And vitamin E can be found in nuts, green leafy vegetables, etc.

  • Vitamin D:

Researches show that having different supplements of vitamin D can keep your immune system running smoothly and strongly and so can help you fight the virus better. It will help you fight any infections that the body might be developing. Vitamin D also helps strengthening the white blood cells so they are in a good state to fight, and can lower the chances of any respiratory infections. This vitamin is present in fatty fish, dairy products, orange juice, soy milk etc. another way of getting more vitamin D is through sunlight.

Other than vitamins these can also help you fight the virus:

  • Avoid over doing alcohol. This might seem that it will relax you in this time of chaos but unfortunately over drinking can lead to damaging the immune system and this will lead you closer to the virus.
  • If you are someone who is not a fruits and veggie person this might be the right time to start eating organic and fresh, instead of processed.
  • Stock up more natural and organic food for the quarantine like frozen vegetables, canned tuna, oats etc.
  •  Don’t overdose yourself with vitamin supplements that too won’t be any good, keep it moderate.
  • Not just proper intake of food but plenty of sleep is also essential to fight the virus. This helps you recover the fighting ability of the body and immune system.
  • When sleep is mentioned, you also need to be regularly exercising. When your body needs internal strength obviously it will need some external tuning too. So for that you will have to regularly take out some time and workout. Will help your body to function well and so will directly lead you to a better and stronger immune system without stress.
  • One of the most important things to keep in mind is to wash your hands thoroughly. This is something that can really help you stay away from the virus. Protect yourself from it and keep your hands sanitized every time.
  • Less sugar intake can also help you through this fight. Make sure not to really stop its usage but keep it minimal. 

These steps are for you to follow before this virus really gets to you, because once exposed there is really no cure, and remember taking safety measure before hand is always better.


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