Generation Z is the generation that was born between 1996-2010 following millennials. This generation had grown up with the internet and has been raised on the internet. They have been using digital technology since a very young age and are into social media more than any generation. This is the largest generation in American history. As they call generation Z to be the digital natives, social justice warriors, anti-social, tech-addicted, etc.

This generation has been exposed to the internet, mobile systems and this has made them so comfortable with social networks and offline experiences. Their mindsets are so different from the previous generations and work quite differently.


  • Expressive

Generation Z wants to be them-selves, breaking the stereotype pushing forward to be identified as someone being their-selves. A major target for them is to “Be Myself”. Another aim for them is to be free and the majority feel free with the internet. Expressing one’s self as they require courage, sticking to one’s truth. Changing yourself will inevitably lead you to fail and feel hopeless.

  • Search for the truth

Generation Z searches for the truth; they value individual expression and avoid labels. They believe profoundly in the effectiveness of dialogue to solve issues and improve the world. Furthermore, they make their own decisions and relate to institutions in a highly analytical and pragmatic way. Whereas the millennials got their start in an era of economic prosperity and mostly focus on themselves. Its members are more idealistic, confrontational and less acceptable to diverse points of view.

  • Communaholic

Members of gen z are radically inclusive. They don’t differentiate between friends they make online and friends in the physical world. Gen zers value online communities as they allow people of different economic statuses to connect and move around causes and interests. About 66% of the gen Zers believe that communities are formed by causes and interests rather than by financial backgrounds or educational levels. 52% of gen zers believe that it is natural for every person to belong to different groups and they have absolutely no problem moving between groups. Gen Zers leave differences aside to move around causes they believe in.

  • Dialogues

Gen Zers believe in the significance of dialogue and are willing to accept different opinions with the institutions in which they engage and within their own families. Members of this generation, therefore, think that change should be made through dialogue. Also, gen z is more willing to accommodate the failings of companies; 39% percent of people from this generation expect companies to answer customer complaints on the same day as compared to the previous generations whose percentage is 52. Their belief in dialogue combines a high value for individual identity, rejection of stereotypes and a substantial degree of pragmatism.

  • Realistic

Gen z members have a large amount of information at their disposal and are therefore more pragmatic and analytical about making their decisions than members of the previous generations. About 65% of gen zers say that they value knowing what goes on around them and being in control. This is a generation of self-learners and is more comfortable with obtaining knowledge online than being a part of regular institutions of learning.

Generation z was raised during a time of global economic stress. These circumstances made them less idealistic than millennials. Most gen zers are aware of the need to preserve for the future and see job stability as more important than a high salary. They also prefer regular employment rather than freelance or part-time work.

  • Influential

Leaders of the past would love to have the opportunities that Generation Z has to live beyond the box. Every generation has had the individuals who live beyond the box; people who do things differently and subsequently changed the world whether it is through music, running a business or leading a movement, gripping change. These individuals transformed the way humans behave. Not many of us must have lived through the groundbreaking events of the 20th century but we live with and benefit from the changes they brought about and I’m sure we all admire the works of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks; how both they and the civil rights movement as a whole took the world creating meaningful and lasting change. They were just two examples of people living beyond the box.

Can you imagine the impacts these people would have if they were born within Generation Z? It has become the first limitless generation; a generation that no longer needs to create a full strategy in order to reach an influence on thousands of people; they just create a tweet. Think of the power this holds. Every single person has a platform with which they can voice their opinions and ideas. This concept alone takes the entire generation and puts its members beyond the box. Gen zers are growing up in a time where they can reach a thousand people with the blink of an eye.

  • Primarily addicted to music

63% of this generation believes that music is an essential part of their lives. Moreover, 50% of young respondents, across all countries, stream music which is a much higher percentage than all other generation categories. They are 71% more able to influence people around them on the music they listen to.

Popular social behaviour

Picture1: https://www.capitolpresence.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Hiring-Generation-Z-e1536931806839-1024×512.jpg

Picture 2: https://www.research-live.com/img/teenagers%20crop[id:1933922].jpg

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