long distance relationship

When we meet someone that lives far away or a person in the relationship needing to move away for a period of time then it always have positives which makes the relation worth it and negatives which makes it complicated. Long distance relationships can be tough but they can also be rewarding. People enter long distance relationships for many reasons, couples may enrol at colleges in different cities wherever they find their dream job. Great thanks to advance in technology as there are countless websites and apps where we can meet potential partners all around the globe. Many couples begin their relationship online despite being hundreds or even thousands of miles apart. Long distance relationship can benefit both new and long-time couples in the following ways:


Building trust:

What is a key component in any relationship? Trust! If couples are committed to make their relationship work despite the distance, discussing all the expectations and concerns in the beginning will leads to a trust element. Since the majority of long distance couples cannot be in touch 24\7, individuals in long term relationships learn to respect each other’s time while enjoying their own solo time too. Small things like checking in with each other at various times throughout the day can help in building a trust and a sense of comfort.


Our connection is not purely physical. Couples date someone primarily due to mutual physical attraction but everyone knows this type of relationship can fizzle out quickly. Since long distance couples can’t rely solely on physical relations they learn effective communication skills and build their emotional connection.

Strengthens our bond:

Couples who make their relationships work from a distance typically have strong bonds because they build and maintain an emotional connection that is essential for long distance love. By mixing up communication styles like from phone calls to emails, texts, face time dates and letters the relationship remains fresh and bond continues to strengthen.


Being in a relationship with someone so far guarantees that couples are devoted, dedicated and the relation will last for long run. Have we ever thought that what is better than the feeling of being wanted from someone that is so far from us? It clearly means that the other person doesn’t just want our body, they want us. Long distance relationships are by far one of the most difficult things in life but no less than a fairy-tale.


Ups and downs are expected in any relationship, distance can escalate negative emotions. It is difficult to make up when our partner is miles apart. Long distance relationship can negatively affect couples in the following ways:


Feeling lonely is unavoidable when the person we love is in another city, state or country. We can only lessen the loneliness when we surround ourselves with loving, supporting family members and friends. To beat loneliness couples chat on phone while watching their favourite TV shows or movies. They surprise each other with occasional gifts to brighten up their partner’s day. Making plans for the next time couples are together is an excellent way to beat those long distance relationship blues.

Drifting Apart:

It is burdensome to maintain a relationship across the miles when the responsibilities of everyday life get in the way. We need to prioritize our relationship and we need to coordinate with our partner to have a stunning standing phone date at particular time. Maintaining a social life is salient for both of the partners in a long distance relationship.


Arguments are hard to settle over internet and it is easy to ignore our partner. In a situation like that misunderstandings takes place, our partner will say something we will get a different meaning but we don’t realize this thing and gets upset easily. It is not simple for us to sit next to our partner and tell them how much we love them. When we keep communication open, share plans with each other and realize how good it will be when we finally get to see them again then long distance relationships can form best bonds between couples.

Bad thoughts:

There are times when we will fight and thoughts will ponder in our heads about what exactly our partner could be doing. Thoughts like: is he or she cheating on me? There is no sure way to tell. Only trust is a key and can make us win in a long distance relationship. And if we trust our partner no matter with how many other people our special one hangout we are not going to be hurt after a while because we trust them.

Those in a long distance relationship feels a stronger bond than couples who lived in the same city because they feel their partners share more of their feelings, thoughts and emotions.

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