“How you doin’ man? You good?”
“I feel like I just won a championship.”
George always replies my questioning like singing. His nephew Brandon told at George Floyd’s memorial. “He (George) was the biggest LeBron James fan,” Brandon told. That is why he used to use this phrase after LeBron won one hard match. Don’t know when the justice will be served and George’s soul will sing “I feel like I just won a championship. “ After wards he will definitely celebrate it by playing Basketball.
On 25th of May, George Floyd an African American went to a shop and asked for cigarettes. Shopkeeper thought he had given a counterfeited money bill. His crime was not returning cigarettes for the alleged fake $20 bill which later declared the original.
At sharp 8 cops arrested him. He showed no resistance. His only resistance was felling to the ground and telling them he is claustrophobic’ when they were about to stuff him in police car. So they let him beg for breath and die in open air.
The protector knelt down on his neck for 9 long minutes and keeps listening to his pleading.
“I can’t breathe
I can’t breath
At 8:27 he breathed last under the protector’s entangled protection. May be all 4 took it not worthy of consideration.
Floyd is survived by 6 years daughter and deeply in grief wife. Meanwhile his funeral was in process; few kilometers away his murders were facing upgraded charges in local Court Room.
Chauvin who placed knee on deceased neck has been charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter in which maximum punishment extends to 40 years, 15 years longer than the maximum sentence for third-degree murder. Court inflicted upon other 3 cops, abetment charges.
Deceased Lawyer and family say there are good grounds for making it first degree murder.
The official autopsy report says its “Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression”. While the independent autopsy report deduces “asphyxiation from sustained pressure” in simple words it’s like breathe chocking resulting into death. Both are at consensus that it’s the case of homicide, the murder.
He was also declared Covid 19 positive in autopsy report.
Bishop Harding Smith revealed to the press that George used to help him in feeding homeless. “He was loving and caring person, he was good man”. His dirty murder did few washing things. Word wide protests erupted. The murder was committed in Minneapolis City but echo was heard in every nock and corner of the World. Might was used to break this chain by local administrations… Governors denied using directed military action against protector but yet they did use some.
Law enforcement agencies used tear gas, rubber bullets and pepper bombs on protesters to shatter them. There are causalities, injuries and damage on both sides.
Health experts declared these practices as triggers to Covid 19 virus spread. Tear gas and chemicals make its transfer easy. Pepper bombs type tools make protestants touch their eyes promptly thus giving Corona virus good chance to travel inside body. Government had made thousands of arrests and compels them all to stay at perilously congested cells; the situation is obviously against recommended social distancing directions.
George’s brother requested to stop the reactive violent activities as these cannot bring back his brother. Later on the crowed started chanting “Peace on the left and justice on the right.” Well this is reasonable!
All leading leaders of International importance scolded the Executive Head of USA for subduing the peaceful protest. The time came when Trump had to go underground in violent response. “Knelt down” display is now emerging Global trend of protest, Mr. Trudeau did the same.
Of course this nationwide protest has its roots in century’s inequalities and discriminated behavior with colored. Mayor of D.C has renamed the street near White House as ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza’ . Virginia’s city downtown has a development as well. They have removed a memorial of black’s integrity, 176-year-old slave auction block from the downtown. They will place it in museum now. Museum authorities showed their intention to exhibit the knee-high stone in memory of “movement from slavery to accomplishments by the local African American community.”
Out of this misery other good things which emerged are that Minneapolis City’s Council prepares to vote on changes to police department. Soft Bank had created $100m fund for black entrepreneurs. Social Media websites vowed to filter racist posts and twitter deleted Trumps video regarding George.
We wish justice be served and George’s soul can sing “Feeling like a champion…… “
Some anonymous poet has written these heart filled stanzas as tribute to George. No doubt this is voice of humanity.
Face Down,
Knee on his neck,
They did nothing.
He called the officer “Sir.”
They did nothing.
He begged for his life.
He begged for water.
He begged for mercy.
They did nothing.
His nose bled.
His body trembled.
He lost control of his bladder.
They did nothing.
He cried out, “I can’t breathe.”
They did nothing.
Twelve more times.
“I can’t breathe.”
They did nothing.
One last time, he gasped, “I can’t breathe.”
They did nothing.
He lost consciousness.
They did nothing.
A firefighter demanded they check his pulse.
They did nothing.
Off duty medical personnel begged them to stop.
They did nothing.
Deprived of oxygen.
His organs screaming.
His brain frantic.
They did nothing.
They watched George Floyd die.
His life fading.
A slow death,
They did nothing.
A lynching on the ground,
They did nothing.
For eight agonizing minutes,
Four officers watched.
He cried out for his Mom…
A grown man…
Crying out for the woman who gave him life….
As he feared joining her in death.
And still they did nothing.
A black man.
A gentle giant.
Murdered because he was black.
And still, they’ve done nothing.
Probable Cause exists.
A Double Standard exists
This is the picture of George with his mother.
May they both Rest In Peace 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
May justice be served.

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Writer is a lawyer by Profession and Writing is her passion. She writes about legal and global issues. She is also known for solution-based counseling. She has assisted various governmental and nongovernmental departments in making society centric polices. She is the founder of the secret chat group "Omnivore's Dilemma". She is also a caretaker of " Legal" and "It's Nature" Segments of "Socialitespaces".



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