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Coronavirus is a deadly disease that has taken more than 12 thousand plus lives only in Pakistan. Covid – 19 pandemic is an ongoing pandemic of coronavirus-19 caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome. There is no doubt that Covid-19 has taken much from us, many lives, many liberties, many experiences, but there have been silver linings as well. The responses of the pandemic have resulted in global, social, and economic disruptions. It has led to the postponement of events, working and studying from home, inflation, decreased emissions of pollutants, and many more similar things. We have to come to value the things which we took for granted. Since it has been both Blessing And A Curse.
Impact Of Covid-19 On Education
Impact Of Covid-19 On Inflation
Solidarity Is Demanded
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
Leadership Is Not Easy
Impact On Covid-19 On Education:
Covid-19 has marked such a big impact on children’s education. It can be said as school is the place where a child’s ability increases but due to pandemics, children have to continue their education through online classes at home. While it has been hard for some children in a manner that some students cannot afford the proper online teaching stuff. It’s hard to help your child learn something that you may not understand but parents did much co-operation and agreed for online education because there’s the hope of not missing out too much. Parents have been the Prime drivers of Learning. So, learning and working have become new assets in our lives.
Impact Of Covid-19 On Inflation:
At the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, demand for pandemic-related products including all our household things has gotten their prices extremely high. People of Pakistan had faced many problems with the higher marketing prices. Peoples from all the professions have been badly affected. But, Japan is the country where they recognized their financial stability and growth strategy. The government should be responsible for the financial status of its country, but, in these hard times, our citizens have shown such acts of kindness towards each other. Many middle-class people have sent food bags, groceries, money, etc to those who can’t afford these things. Our government also allows the poor people to collect the desired amount of money from our banks. Thus, the hard time has shown us to be kind and respect others no matter what is their condition.
Solidarity Is Demanded:
The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates to us the value of freedom, the freedom to move, to be with our loved ones, to live with Solidarity and dignity. Pandemic has made us recognize the real faces of our relatives, connect with them, to enjoy their company and gatherings. The needs and purposes are not just of individuals, but it’s the solidarity, compassion, and empathy which lead us to face the hardest times of our lives together. It has given us the lesson to be helpful to others when they need you the most.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure:
We have heard the slogan “Aisa Kuch Nahi Hota” and in Pakistan, it is the thing that the citizen’s di not think about the serious matter and take it so normal like why only we be in our homes for so long, why we have not to go to our offices for work, why would we don’t go to other’s places. In fact, being in hone and being isolated is the best prevention of Coronavirus. The more we have been isolated ourselves and follow the SOP’s given by our government we will soon Get rid of this disease. So, my thought is that the more we prevent ourselves from going outside we have been cured. We have to follow SOP’s and make ourselves clean and tidy all the time because CLEANLINESS IS HALF OF FAITH OR PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE.
Leadership Is Not Easy:
In this pandemic, leadership is the main thing in working from home. It has shown us leadership in tough times is not easy as we thought. It involves a whole new set of priorities. As leaders, one has to be as transparent as possible. Apart from leadership, we must set expectations and hope from other people and be patient with each other. We should show compassion, empathy, and respect to our fellow human beings. The affiliation to our common humanity must overcome this pandemic.
At last, the pandemic highlights the danger of ignoring our independence. It shows us crystal clear that all of humanity is in the same boat. Humans are social creatures, who are suited primarily for cooperation in social groups of limited size. In fact, pandemic shows us that the goals of all these domains must always be the same. This is a fundamental problem that will never go away. All we can do is to be aware of it, remain vigilant, be kind and respectful to each other and adjust our narratives to the magnitude of the challenges we have to face further together.