Being a busy mother, Sometimes I feel that I am spending too much time in the kitchen. It happens that the first meal’s cleaning didn’t complete and the second’s time is here. That’s why I started making Batch Cooking Meal Plans.

In this way, I am very relaxed from the dinner of the week. As per my experience, small planning about meals can save you a lot of time. Instead of spending all the time in the kitchen, you can go out to stores to buy things. Not only it saves time outside the kitchen but also it saves time in the kitchen.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s see how you can do the same.

About Batch Cooking Meal Plans

From its name you can easily figure out that it is a very simple idea. It’s only a plan of a complete week meal. What and when to prepare. If you are serving a single person it will not take that much time to prepare a meal. But it only happens when you create plans.

Apart from the week I personally would like to prepare a big meal on Saturday. As it’s a part of my Batch Cooking Meal Plans and also due to other opportunities. The opportunities that childer play in the back yard garden with there friends and I got some time to spare.

Although it saves a lot of time also there are some other benefits of Batch Cooking Meal Plans. I’ve experienced that it Increases the chances to stick to a diet plan. It’s a fact that you will not like to waste a healthy diet. Especially that diet on which you have to spend a lot of time to prepare it.


We are not considering our breakfast in this list. Because we have another simple breakfast meal plan that rotates 4 days. Different types of proteins and vegetables are included in that. And I prepare them daily.

7 Day Menu Of Batch Cooking Meal Plans

This plan takes a little trial and you will get failed to get used to. But you will definitely like it because of its simplicity and time savings. But all this happens when you will try it.

Here’s a question that how to get started?

In the answer to this question. Here’s a 7 days menu for you. Which you can follow.


So let’s get started with the recent Monday. You can start with any day you want to.

Day 1 Lunch: Starting with your Batch Cooking Meal plans your first day’s lunch is here. Have over lettuce with carrot sticks Chicken Salad in your lunch.

Day 1 Night Meal: Its time to dinner have some Shrimp stir-fry

So, the first day completed successfully.

Tuesday or Day 2

Let’s see what we have for the second day

Lunch: For the second day’s lunch you will using Leftover stir fry which is wrapped in romaine leaves.

Night Meal: A sliced chicken breast piece which served with sliced pepper, onions and a glass of baked butternut squash. Which is reheated on a greased baking sheet. You can serve it with a salad.

Wednesday or Day 3 Of Batch Cooking Meal Plans

Lunch: Last night’s reheat leftover chicken. But this time wrapped in romaine leaves and served with avocado and cilantro.

Night Meal: Chili with the side salad. Fro chili you can either use sour cream or cheese. Anything you like to use.

Day 4 or Thursday

Lunch: Leftover chili of last night.

Night Meal: Delicious Eggplant pizza with the side salad.

Day 5 or Friday

Lunch: Eggplant Pizza of last night or you can make chicken salad

Dinner: The amazing and delicious Fajita Sala. Ummm!

Saturday Or Day 6 or WeekEnd

Lunch: Something special on the weekend. Like Fajita Tacos using last night’s fajita meat which is wrapped. Additional things are avocado, salsa, sour cream, and delicious cheese.

Weekend Night: Salad and Delicious Reheated meatballs.

Day 7 the Last Day of Week

Lunch: Tuna Salad on Carrot sticks or spinach on the Sunday or Funday.

Night Meal: Whatever you have from last meals

So looks interesting? So keep following the plane.

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