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I hope you will be mindful of the fact that 31 Oct 2020 might be the scariest day of the year for you. You know what? Halloween is just near. Here I am with creative ideas which will prove that Halloween is a serious matter. The day of the year is almost here, where everyone wants to be more and more cringy. People find it comfortable to wear anything۔ More and more people get aware of this special day every year. That is why I am hopeful that this year number of people interested in getting Halloween costumes will increase. So let us have a look at the top 5 most interesting Halloween costumes.

1 Xenomorph Halloween Costume

At the Halloween Carnival of West Hollywood, a person took the costume of aliens, and his style of carrying their Xenomorph costume took it to the next level. That is why it is top of the list.


2 Papa Smurf and Smurfette Halloween Costume

Although, it looks cool and a majority of people consider it their favorite cartoon character, but when it came to Halloween, Papa Smurf and Smurfette left the Smurf village to entertain their viewers on this memorable event as well. They are having a little Halloween fun in Toronto’s fair.


3 Greta Gremlin Halloween Costume

The Greta Gremlin performs in horror comedy for us. The character decided to donate its costume for the Halloween celebration. Using this costume would be fun and is capable of making your day memorable.


4 Max and Carol Halloween Costume

Halloween costumes are meant to terrify others. This costume can do this job very well. Not only children but adults can also get afraid of it. But the baby max not getting afraid is an exception.

5 Pennywise (2019)

This dangerous crown with whom children play in the park or fairs is now being used as a Halloween costume to scare kids and adults. It will be like a horror-comedy scene on the time you will come out in the ceremony wearing this costume and wandering around, you’ll terrify everyone even more than ever. This horrifying clown costume will make you stand out on the day of Halloween.

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