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What is the key to maintaining a healthy weight

Healthy body weight is usually one that leads a person to a healthy life without any risk of diseases.

You are healthy when your Body Mass Index falls within a weight range which does not lead to health issues and weight-related diseases. Our Body Mass Index is determined by our height and weight.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH):

  • A person is underweight when BMI is less than 18.5

  • A BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 is ideal

  • A person is overweight when BMI is between 25 and29.9

Since our body weight is comprised of multiple components, including body fat, bones, organs, water, and muscle mass (both uncontrollable and controllable), so it is we who have to decide on a weight accepted by us which is healthy too.

Strategies to maintain healthy body weight:

Healthy body weight does not require restricting food intake or constant dieting as this will only create temporary results. When you will go back to your old eating habits you will gain again.

For healthy body weight, people need to change their habits. They need to follow new and healthy behaviors and quit old and unhealthy ones.

  1. Exercise regularly:

Regular physical activity helps to burn excessive calories and build muscles. It strengthens your heart, joints, and mind.

It helps you to feel good about yourself, improves your mood, and increases your energy. Also, it improves your sleeping pattern, an important factor for a healthy body, and helps to overcome mild depression and low self-esteem.

Physical activities include cycling to school, a quick walk to buy groceries instead of going in a car or taking a bus, playing sports like basketball, football, hockey, swinging, dancing, etc.

  1. Reduce screen time:

Those who spend a lot of time sitting in front of the screen are more likely to be overweight. Spending a considerable amount of time in front of computers, television, tablet, playing video games is not good for health at all.

Spend time wisely and engage in some form of physical activities like cooking, gardening, painting, etc.

  1. Watch how much and what you are eating:

Eating a big portion of meals leads to weight gain. So choose smaller portions.

Have a balanced diet, which includes a variety of food and drinks in the right proportion at the right times. Add proteins to your meal by eating grilled, boiled, or steamed chicken, fish, meat, beans, dairy food, and eggs, etc.

Try to avoid unhealthy, junk, and oily foods.

  1. Avoid sugar:

As much as possible, keep away from sugary drinks and food like chocolates, cakes, desserts, sodas, sports drinks, canned juices, etc. Add water, especially before meals, and low-fat milk.

  1. Drink plenty of water:

Your body needs a minimum of 8 glasses of water in a day to remain active and fit all day. Therefore, try drinking the right amount to remain healthy. Water is one of the best ways to help you reduce your weight. It energizes you and helps you feel full, thus reducing your food intake.

  1. Good sleep:

To maintain a healthy body, you need to get good rest and enough sleep. About 8-10 hours of sleep is important for everyone.

Poor sleeping patterns lead to various health problems like obesity, heart disease, poor concentration, depression, etc.

  1. Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables:

To remain healthy, health experts suggest eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day, which is about 2 and a half cups or more.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They fill you up and will not lead you to overeat.

  1. Eat breakfast:

A healthy breakfast gives you a good start, keep you energized and active all day and burn your calories. People who skip breakfast feels hungrier later on in the day that they tend to eat more and unhealthy.

Taking protein, calcium, and other nutrients from eggs, milk, bread, cereal at breakfast is important for a healthy body.

  1. Eat regular meals:

To burn calories at a faster rate, it is important to take meals at regular times of the day. It also helps to reduce the temptation to fatty and sugary food.

  1. Reduce stress:

Keep your worries away and try to avoid stress as much as possible because it may increase your weight especially belly fat.

Many people when stressed out, either eat too much or too little and have no control over their diet. And, this leads you towards an unhealthy weight.

Numerous techniques lead you to a healthy body.

Depriving yourself of foods you like, keeping away from entire food groups, following strict diets is not a long term approach towards getting g a healthy weight.

Healthy body weight requires a healthy lifestyle and habits to be followed for more productive and efficient work and daily life.

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, improved sleep patterns, and avoiding junk food are some ways leading to a healthy body.

Weight loss requires some effort, commitment, perseverance from your side. And, following the above-discussed lifestyle goals and strategies will surely help you to maintain healthy body weight.

I hope I have answer the question What is the key to maintaining a healthy weight?

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Rabia Kamran had a childhood passion for storytelling and sharing with her friends and siblings. She completed A levels and MBA from Karachi, Pakistan, and pursued her school teaching past time as a career. Starting an online consumer products business two years back, she had gained useful marketing experience. Coupled with research and personal experience, she has now turned to content writing. She claims to be versatile, convincing, and to the point in her writings. She also looks forward to sharing her travel experiences as she moves on. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, and child psychology.


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