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Technology has shaped our lives. With time, there have been many inventions, massive improvements, and technological advancements that we have not thought about it earlier.

Nowadays, we are so much dependent on technology that we cannot imagine our lives without it. For some people, the existence of technology is the difference between life and death, loneliness and interaction, and silence and laughter.

Surely, an interesting question to ask yourself that nowadays can you live without having a smartphone, laptop, television, cleaning gadgets, etc.

You will certainly get the answer No.

This is because these new inventions have brought with themselves tremendous advantages which we cannot ignore or overlook. Who wouldn’t want to avail them to keep up with the fast pace of life and for more ease, productivity, and efficiency in work and daily life?

Benefits of using technology:

  • Saves time:

One of the greatest benefits is that it has helped us to save a lot of our time.

Previously, students need to spend hours in the library, searching for books and appropriate information for their work.

But now, with the development of the internet and google, this work has become a lot easier. We type what we require and just on a click and seconds, we get all the required information. All the important sources are in one place.

From working at the workplace through computers, laptops, and other electronic gadgets; recording, keeping files, managing accounts, etc. to small household chores; blending, chopping, etc. and even entertainment and travel, these technical devices have saved and help us in saving a lot of our precious time.

  • Save money:

Technology has also enabled us to save a great deal of money. Those interested in reading needed to buy a book. But now, he/she can get it free online without the worry of space for safekeeping.

Also, with the invention of cars and other forms of transport, with continuous improvements and new models every year, traveling to faraway places has become possible and affordable too.

And, as for cleaning, you need not worry to hire trustable maids or servants and pay salaries for them since most of the work is now being done by automatic cleaners and washers. You now have more to save or invest elsewhere.

  • Eases communication:

Communication has become a lot easier. With the advancements in technology, we can easily connect with our friends and family members even if they are miles apart or in different parts of the world.

Smartphones, laptops, and different social media platforms have made our lives a lot easier and we can easily and quickly communicate and deliver our message.

And more, not only on an individual level, but technology has also helped businesses and companies communicate, save time and money in their expansion and success. It has helped to connect with suppliers and buyers across the globe, even solving the language problem.

  • Technology is used as a way to entertain, relax, and socialize:

With the advent of television, video games, and smartphones, we do not need to go out and entertain ourselves. We can watch and enjoy movies, cartoons and can even play games, while we sit back at home. This surely is a smart way to relax and to meet and greet friends.

During this time, when Covid-19 has hit the whole world and made us stay at our home, avoid social gatherings and follow strict hygiene conditions, these technical devices have enabled us to kill our boredom and utilize our time in a more meaningful way.

  • Keeps you moving:

Technology enables us to keep up with the fast pace of life. Without technology, everything will slow down or will come to a stop.

Without phones, for example, we will not be able to connect with our family and friends or make great business deals right away. We will then need to visit them, which is not always possible, especially where there are long distances.

  • Has encouraged creativity and innovation:

The development of technology; computers and machines have enabled us to leave the tedious and boring work and focus on more creative and fulfilling work.

  • A more educated and rewarded society:

In the current situation, when students are taking online classes and people working from home, technology has enabled us to continue, move ahead, and gain all the necessary and relevant information. It has also provided a way to earn in these hard times.

Limitations in using technology

With all the benefits we are getting from the use of technology, we are, however, still learning to live with it because also with the benefits there are certain disadvantages too, which we have to face. Coping to learn and use it at the right time, way and place is important.

We need to make sure that we are fully equipped with the skills needed for a digital future. This also includes being prepared for anything that goes wrong like a power breakdown or a short circuit that will stop you from whatever you are doing.

With time, our reliance and dependency on technology are increasing. We have got new ways to look, create, and do things.

Although technology has made our lives faster and easier, at the same time, we should try not to reach a point where we cannot live without it. Activities like reading books, jogging, meeting family, and friends personally are still needed to eliminate the ill effects of technology.

Not only individuals but society and government at large need to take the responsibility to educate the kids and young minds to keep up with the rate at which technology is advancing and prepare them for the digital future. Only then we can hope and get the best from the technology we are using.

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Rabia Kamran had a childhood passion for storytelling and sharing with her friends and siblings. She completed A levels and MBA from Karachi, Pakistan, and pursued her school teaching past time as a career. Starting an online consumer products business two years back, she had gained useful marketing experience. Coupled with research and personal experience, she has now turned to content writing. She claims to be versatile, convincing, and to the point in her writings. She also looks forward to sharing her travel experiences as she moves on. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, and child psychology.


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