Being a prisoner of your own mind, powerless to control the toxic loop of paranoid thoughts inside you? Struggling just to stay afloat, terrified that you’re one step away from drowning? Feeling drained all of the joy, all passion to live the life you desperately desire and deserve?
First you need to understand that anxiety is a human feature, not a flaw. Most of us get anxious from time to time, because it’s a general useful emotion that helps us to see potential threats. Make us concerned with social rejection and keeps us on alert to being deceived.
Knowing how anxiety works can help you to better support loved one without
Inadvertently making their anxiety worse.
Scenarios like this are common when someone in your life is dealing with anxiety. Your loved one may feel so fearful that they avoid taking actions, or act in ways that are inconsiderate or that increase your own anxiety. This might look like your partner constantly putting off important tasks and discussions. It’s difficult to witness anxiety in someone you know and it’s even harder when their anxiety triggers you.
Match your support to their preferences. Offer support but don’t take over.
For instance, if your person is incredibly stressed and you end up doing this for them, they never push through their avoidance, show them your love, care, and everything that you can do for them. Never ignore them or ditch them they really deal with high emotions. By paying attention to how anxiety manifests in the person you care about; you can learn about their pattern and be in a better position to help. They overthink about the past and future, avoid whatever triggers their
anxiety and use compensatory strategies.
Feeling permanently exhausted from existing in constant fight mode? being tapped in a recurring nightmare from which you awaken every morning filled with dread and fear?
It may sound backward to plan to worry, but you should pick a time to think about your fears on purpose.take 30 mins to identify what’s actually bothering you . Don’t dwell on “whats-ifs”. Focus on what really makes you anxious. Deep breaths it sends a message to your brain that you’re are OK. Physical mental health Exercise is the most important thing you should do. It can ease your anxiety level and boost your sense of well being.
Make your immune system strong. Attempt an average of 8-hours to shut-eye
a night. both quality and quantity is essential for good sleep. If anxiety is making it hard to
You to fall asleep, create a routine to help you catch your ZZZs.
Tame tense muscles, help out in your community and look for tiggers.
Volunteer other work in your community.not is will just feel good back, you’ll make connections that can be the support for you too. Focus on one section at a time and
Work through your whole body.Relax your muscles, make your body healthy.

These are some logical thoughts that you can overcome your anxiety.
Prepare your mental health; stay strong would be the best treatment for anxiety.
Talk therapy and medication can overcome anxiety. Love and support your person, Everything would be fine.

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