Do your nails split, peel, or seem weak? Do they crack quite often or have affected texture? If yes, you need to start cosseting them; you are encountering brittleness of nails. But there is no need to panic. It is quite common among people but can be dealt with proper care and maintenance.

Basically, nails are made up of a protein called “keratin,” which serves in protecting your fingers and toes. However, it is not very uncommon for them to break, split, or peel. Several medical conditions can change the shape of the fingernails.

According to a survey conducted by “Harvard Medical School,” about 27% of the women have brittle nails, a condition also known as onychoschizia.

This condition can be an outcome of an underlying health issue or some outside factors. If your nails peel, breaks quite often, then you have brittle nails.

In this article, we will look at all the causes, potential remedies to out-maneuver of nails brittleness.

What Causes brittle nails?

There may be various reasons for brittle nails. For instance, Ageing may be a pertinent factor, or applying nail paint too frequently can contribute to it also.

As per American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, brittle nails fall into different categories as,

  • Dry and brittle

  • Soft and brittle.

Some of the brittle nails reasons are outlined below;

  • Too Much Dampness:-

When fingernails are exposed to or entangle excessive moisture, they become soft and brittle. This could be a result of using nail polish containing harsh chemicals such as acetone or recurrent application of hand moisturizers.

  • Excessive Dryness of Nails:-

In contrast to Moisture, beyond usual, dryness can also cause your nails to become torn and brittle.

Doing dishes or washing hands at short intervals can dry off wetness of your nails hence rendering them arid, hard, and brittle.

  • Iron Deficiency:-

Despite the external factors, many imbalances within your body contribute towards the brittleness of nails too. One such factor is iron deficiency.

This condition leads to low red blood cells, and hence nails get rusty and split up.

  • Aging:-

With the increase in age, nails become dull and brittle. There is no underlying cause for this condition.

As you age, your toenails get profuse and harder while fingernails take the thinner and brittle path.

  • Hypothyroidism:-

In this condition, your thyroid levels drop. With the dropping of thyroid levels, not only your nails get brittle, but your hair gets thin, you lose weight along with some other ailments.

How to avoid brittleness of nails?

There is nothing much that we can do about the deterioration of nails due to aging. But brittleness, rustiness, and thinning or hardening of nails can be avoided by taking care and nourishing them.

In the following are some suggestions by executing which you can strengthen your nails at home without having to see a doctor.

  • Use nail hardener:-

The application of a clear coat of nail polish or another nail item can increase the strength of the nail over time for individuals with soft nails.

  • Moisturize Hands Well:-

Use a moisturizer on hands and toes to avoid dryness. It can be applied during the day or at night before going to bed or whenever you may want. The consistent application of moisturizers can reduce brittleness.

Buy those moisturizers that have ingredients like lanolin and alpha-hydroxy acids. You can find plenty of them online.

Moisturizers give optimum results when you apply them after washing hands and before going to bed at night.

  • Wear Gloves While Running Errands:-

Whenever you do household chores, never forget to wear gloves. Gloves can protect your hands from unwanted moisture while doing dishes.

Also, they shield your fingers against harmful chemicals such as in detergents and cleaning fluids.

  • Do not Mistreat your Nails:-

Sometimes you act negligently when it comes to your nails. For instance, you start biting nails obliviously or do not adequately maintain them.

Nails need a lot of your attention and care. Keep your nails short to minimize the area for absorption of chemicals and moisture.

Use nail polish removers that lacks acetone but do not use a remover recurrently.

  • Limit Manicures:-

Having frequent manicures can be adversity in disguise. You have manicures so that your hands would look presentable, but they are going to bring you to harm in the longer run.

Frequently exposing your nails to the chemicals in nail polishes used in manicures can ruin and brittle your nails. So, limit your visits to the nail salon or a parlor and evade the consequences of rusty and brittle nails.

  • Take Supplements:-

In addition to home remedies, you can also consult a doctor and take supplements for better nail health.

The most prescribed supplement is a biotin vitamin. It may take up to six months to work, but in the long run, it is beneficial. Other supplements that you could consider include colloidal minerals, gelatin and calcium.

But always remember to refer to your doctor or consultant before using any supplements.

  • Eat Protein diet:-

Nails are primarily made up of protein. Enhancing protein in your diet can also help overcome nail brittleness and keep nails healthy and strong.

Suggestions for Good Nail Health:-

As a person ages, taking good care of the nails can help prevent brittle nails and maintain them healthy. In maintaining good nail health, the following guidelines may help;

  • Gently flinging away snags or other spots on nails

  • Avoiding the use of metal tools on nails

  • Avoiding the use of products that contain acetone such as nail polish remover

  • Keeping nails trimmed

  • Keeping away from biting nails.

Final Words:-

Nails are susceptible and the most prominent part of our body. A person’s hygiene can be anticipated by just looking at his nails. If your nails are not presentable, your whole personality takes a dent.

You can take measures you keep your nails healthy and avoid brittleness of nails. Only a few minutes of proper care at home can help you evade rustiness, stiffness or splitting up of nails.

If your nails are past the stage of home remedies, going to a doctor can help a lot, because brittle nails can also be an outcome of some underlying health condition.

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