Generation Alpha is digitally wired and literate. The reason is that many to most of them were given mobile devices to play with before they knew how to talk. While this type of computer and digital savviness is a blessing in many ways since it will allow them to navigate their way through a world that’s increasingly driven by digital technologies and AI, it comes with its drawbacks. One of these is encouraging a more sedentary life which can lead to obesity.
So, it’s time to explore if Generation Alpha is more obese than previous generations.
Obesity Seems to Be Affecting Generation Alpha More Intensely
Yes, more and more young kids are becoming and staying rotund at a younger age. That’s concerning, not only because it means that they may gain even more weight as they age, but it also makes them more susceptible to weight-triggered diseases like diabetes. There are many reasons for this – it turns out that their addiction to digital devices is only partially to blame for this.
Generation Alpha Is Not Physically Active
More and more Generation Alpha members are spending most of their time inside either looking at or playing with digital devices. That means, that unlike with previous generations, they are not spending much time outside running or doing other types of calorie-burning activities that tend to encourage weight loss.
Lack of physical activity triggers many ailments and conditions like heart issues, being overweight, and musculoskeletal problems.
Not Eating Healthily
Gen X and Millennial parents may be partly to blame for Generation Alpha’s poorer diet. Far too many parents think that McDonald’s chicken nuggets, fries, and shakes; Pizza Hut’s greasy pizzas; and Taco Bell’s Mexican pizzas every night comprise a healthy and well-balanced dinner. These parents are also more likely to give their kids potato chips, Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and other types of junk food regularly.
While toddlers and young kids will readily eat this type of food since it tastes good and while parents tend to give their kids these types of food since they just want a break, it’s not very healthy. It’s also a great source of excess salt, sugar, preservatives, and saturated fats. These lead to obesity when consumed in large quantities over the long term.
These foods also set the stage for kids who may already be predisposed to certain illnesses later on to acquire these ailments when they’re teenagers or adults. Examples include diabetes, extremely high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases.
Spending Way Too Much Time On Digital Devices
Kids look at screens when they spend lots of time on digital devices. Sure digital devices come naturally to them since we live in an increasingly digitally connected world, but their screens may be damaging their bodies while they’re still young. Kids who spend lots of time in front of the computer may not get enough quality sleep.
Looking at screens all of the time can cause eye strain. It also discourages the physical activity that makes people slim. That triggers obesity and a whole host of weight-related ailments and issues. Too much screen time can also cause many behavioral problems including acting out since it can be detrimental to kids’ mental health.
Kids May Need to Get Out And Be Physically Active
Many people advocate that parents limit screen time drastically to encourage and even force their kids to be more active. They argue that doing so will lead to kids becoming slimmer over time. Some smartphone manufacturers are also making phones for tweens and teens that have a limited number of apps and features. These phones don’t have any social media access or functionalities at all. Parents and childhood development professionals embrace these saying that these will help kids stay young, active, and protected. They have a good point.