When we hear the word Family, we consider our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and sometimes our cousins too.

Families can include single parents, two-parent families, grandparents raising grandchildren, foster parents, and others.

The family includes people we love and those who love us; those who are connected through a shared history and experience. Each member of the family is highly respected and valued.

But how a family functions are more important rather than who is in the family or who you consider family. Let’s discuss the qualities of a good family.

  1. Love:

Love is an important trait and foundation of any family and even society. A good family is built on love, care, and compassion where each member of the family gets and gives love freely and unconditionally.

  1. Guidance and Mentorship:

A good family provides solid education and guidance to their children who are generally considered as the ‘leaders of tomorrow ‘as this determines not only the future of the child but the future of the family and society. This requires encouragement on good behavior and penalty on bad behavior.

  1. Rules and Regulations:

The importance of rules and regulations cannot be denied. A family with clearly defined rules and regulations is considered a good family.

The rules should be made considering the values of the family as each member of the family will be familiar with their values, thus contributing to informed and constructive decisions in the society at large.

  1. Communication and Trust:

They go hand in hand. A good healthy communication where each member of the family express their needs wants and concerns, share information and experiences, builds trust which strengthens family bonds.

  1. Respect:

Members of a good family hold each other in high esteem. They respect each other and give each member’s opinions and choices importance. Open communication is important to develop an environment of respect.

  1. Faithfulness:

This is yet another important trait in a good family. All members are loyal, committed, and faithful to each other which impacts positively in our society.

  1. Empathy:

Members of a good family do not look at things or the world from their perspective only, but they will consider other members in their family and this fosters open communication and trust within each other.

  1. Quality Time:

A good family spends quality time as often as possible, though hard in these busy times. Spending quality time, sharing feelings, opinions, and ideas makes them feel more connected to each other.

  1. Fun:

There is a lively atmosphere around the home where members of the family could freely move, eat, talk, and have fun together.

  1. Adaptability:

A good family is highly adaptable to the ever-changing world, ever-ready and able to face any financial troubles, crisis, and stress; individual and environmental challenges life throws.

A good family with all or most of the above-discussed qualities is a blessing for its members and society. With love care and support within the family, we could easily build open-minded and impactful members of the society.

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Rabia Kamran had a childhood passion for storytelling and sharing with her friends and siblings. She completed A levels and MBA from Karachi, Pakistan, and pursued her school teaching past time as a career. Starting an online consumer products business two years back, she had gained useful marketing experience. Coupled with research and personal experience, she has now turned to content writing. She claims to be versatile, convincing, and to the point in her writings. She also looks forward to sharing her travel experiences as she moves on. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, and child psychology.



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