Target, it’s pronounced Tarjayt by sophisticated people and it’s for high-class people who think that Walmart’s brands are below them. As it turns out, Millennials love to shop at Target. And it’s not just because Target sells slightly higher-end brands than popular retailers like the Dollar Store and Walmart.

Millennials Are Looking For Real Value

Those familiar with Millennials – that generational cohort born between 1981 and 1996 – know they want affordable brands. But they are finicky shoppers. They will gladly buy a brand that’s higher-priced, provided that it’s eco-friendly and supports fair trade and sustainable policies.

But that quest for values goes beyond the obvious. Most Millennials (about 2/3 of them) are parents to young kids. So, they crave brands that support traditional family values. They want brands that help them meet their and their families’ basic and advanced survival needs. But they also crave brands that are family-friendly.

They Want Value For Their Money

Who can blame them in this regard? They grew up at a time when the American Dream seemed to be almost dead. Yes, they went to college, but what did they get in return for taking out hundreds of dollars in student loans to earn what they perceived to be almost worthless degrees? Job instability and lower-paying jobs that demand more of them.

They Crave the Entire Experience

This point ties into the previous one. Yes, Millennials want value for their money, but they want to live the ultimate experience when shopping. That goes far beyond being entertained when shopping. For example, if they are shopping for makeup, they expect full facial makeovers to be integrated into the entire customer experience.

What can be noted about this is that previous generations considered these types of makeovers to be a plus, but they didn’t expect these types of experiences – Millennials do!

Safety Come First

That makes sense since they’re parents. Yes., Millennials crave products that emphasize safety. Perhaps that’s why you see companies advertising more products with tamper-proof and child safety features recently.

Target Gets It

Yes, Target did its homework. They did social listening on overdrive and did their own studies that gave them the pulse of what Millennials really crave in a shopping experience and from retailers. Then, they worked hard to deliver that. The result? Millennials prefer to shop at Target, even if it means they have to buy many brands at a premium!

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