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“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

Michael Jordan

“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” — Ken Robinson

Many times, things go well and normal or even better.

But some days aren’t the same. You end up making a mistake, have set back or failed in some work or test.

Your failures should not let you stop. You should keep trying and start all over again, experiment with new ideas, or create new concepts or projects.

On failing, instead of dragging yourself into negativity, try to handle it positively, in a smarter way. Adapt rapidly and keep moving because it matters.

Let’s discuss some powerful habits to overcome failure.

To overcome failure:

  1. Maintain a flexible mindset:

To avoid or overcome failure, don’t just stick to a plan or a goal. Thinking of sticking yourself to achieve what has been planned out means you are keeping yourself in the dark because things do not necessarily work out as planned.

You need to keep a flexible mindset that I might not be able to achieve and it’s completely fine if I have not achieved what has been planned out because things change and that there is no single track to stay on.

  1. Accept how you feel:

When you fail, sometimes you can let it go, but sometimes you feel a bit or a lot.

But that is OK!

Try to accept what you are feeling, the pain, and the rejection because when you accept it and let it in, then this feeling will go faster and in the long run be less painful.

But if you reject how you feel, then the same emotions will pop up at different times like anger, negativity, and sadness, etc.

  1. Keep in mind: a setback doesn’t mean that you are a failure:

When you fail at something, don’t just start thinking that you will keep on failing in this area of your life.

Don’t fall into such destructive thoughts. Instead, remind yourself that failing helps us to learn.

Every attempt is about learning. Try to adopt and follow a different approach. It doesn’t mean that if you fail today, you will fail next time too.

  1. Remind yourself that it’s constructive and necessary to fail too:

Don’t take your failure as a big blow or set back. Consider it more for improvement and valuable feedback.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What did I learn from this mistake or failure?

  • How can I avoid or adjust my course of action?

  • To avoid failure next time, what’s the one thing that I can and should adopt?

Sit back, take some time to think over, answer your questions, and devise a new plan or strategy to start over. Be constructive. It’s important.

  1. Seek help, inspiration, and support from your world:

Don’t keep your emotions bottled up inside. Instead, talk to someone close to you. Your parents, sibling, friend, or relative could help as this will help you to release your inner pressure, sort things out, accept what has happened, and get guidance.

Having a conversation on the situation helps you to see the situation from someone else perspective, encourages you, and helps you to find a new way.

One more way to avoid or overcome failure is to learn from those who have faced the same challenge or situation. Read their success stories in books, websites, or online forums. This will shift your mood and guide you towards optimism again.

  1. Give yourself a break to recover and start over:

When you fail, give yourself time to recover, to change a process, routine, or approach.

Failure doesn’t stop you. But, it makes you stronger and better prepared for new projects and options.

Take time out for yourself, think over, and come up with a different and fresh way to look and do things.

  1. Move forward:

It’s not easy, but it is possible with time to get over the feelings of negativity and emotional pressure associated with failure or setback.

Accept your failure and emotions and move forward.

  1. Devise a plan of action and act accordingly:

If and when you fail, devise a new plan to work out in the same situation without repeating the same mistakes.

You need not be perfect in setting a new course of action. The important thing is to get started and move forward again.

  1. It’s not the end of the world:

Failure doesn’t mean that you will not get another chance to perform.

Explain to yourself that if you want to achieve success in life, get something incredible and special, then failure is unavoidable and necessary.

Don’t stop, start again, choose the options that work best in your situation, and don’t lose hope.

Let’s face it!

  1. Improve your self-esteem:

To handle setbacks or failures,

  • Encourage yourself that you can achieve what you desire and dream.

  • Convince yourself that you can do it and you are good enough when given another chance.

  • Instill positive thoughts in yourself that you will achieve success in the most important areas like health, love, career.

  • Always feel encouraged and motivated by what you have achieved.

  • Believe in yourself.

  • Think that everyone faces setbacks and failures. You are not the only one.

All this will help you to move forward and start with a fresh mind and body.

Failure is necessary and unavoidable too. Various reasons are leading to failure, but what and how we learn from failing, change our way of thinking and attitude towards life.

Learn from failure, and start again. Nobody wants and expects to fail, but no one can avoid failing either.

Stay optimistic and open to whatever happens to you. Do not worry. Do not fear taking risks and bold steps. Believe in yourself that you can do it. Stay strong.

Failure always brings an opportunity or opportunities for you that may change your life. Take it positively and move forward to achieve what you aim and want in life.

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Rabia Kamran had a childhood passion for storytelling and sharing with her friends and siblings. She completed A levels and MBA from Karachi, Pakistan, and pursued her school teaching past time as a career. Starting an online consumer products business two years back, she had gained useful marketing experience. Coupled with research and personal experience, she has now turned to content writing. She claims to be versatile, convincing, and to the point in her writings. She also looks forward to sharing her travel experiences as she moves on. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, and child psychology.


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