We are in one of the most difficult times of history — an era where COVID-19
has successfully mounted its roots everywhere. Academically, this can mean a

Indeed, there have been pandemics much worse than the current one.
However, during the times of the previous epidemics, technology had not
taken over mankind as it has now.

COVID-19 has forced us to re-shape our teaching methodologies. Classrooms
are a thing of the past now. Online learning is the future.

Let’s see what online learning has to offer us — portable, easily accessible for
almost everyone, and no fixed timings.

“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Similarly, anything with so many great benefits, such as online learning, also
has some dark aspects to it. But what is the dark aspect in the case of online
learning? Is it even true that such a thing could have a dark side?

One can’t exactly call it the dark side, but yes. Traditional classrooms offer a
few things which remote learning can never offer. Some of these include:

● Increased attention due to the environment
● Fewer distractions;
● Other peers who motivate you (subconsciously) to study;
● A controlled environment in which students have a hard time cheating;
● A sort of pushing force that motivates students to learn;
● The fear of being embarrassed in front of others getting them on their

From this, it is clear that online learning must not continue after this epidemic
ends. But there must be some way through which we can integrate the
benefits of remote learning while still enjoying the advantages of traditional

Combining the two seems to be a good option. Great! But how do we do it? To
get the most out of this, we need to also keep in mind the science behind
learning, and exploit those.

A new learning system, what I like to call “The Remote Classroom,” is the
solution. Let’s see the key components of The Remote Classroom system. Following are the components of this new The Remote Classroom system:

● Projectors must be installed in classrooms, through which lectures
shall be given. (All the learning shall be done in this way.)
● A lecture must not last for more than 15 minutes.
● The students must not write anything during the lectures.
● After the lecture ends, the students must review it, and then make
notes accordingly.
● To get the students to learn or memorize something hard (especially
definitions), flashcards, which support spaced repetition, must be used.
● After the completion of each chapter, challenging tests and quizzes
be given to students. The students shall take their tests with stressful
music being played in the background.
● After an hour of every lecture, self-study breaks be given to students
in which they revise whatever they have studied for the previous lecture.

Nature has given us a chance to finally upgrade our centuries-old education
system to one which relies on technology and is much more effective than its
previous counterpart. We must avail of this opportunity, for this is our chance
to revolutionize education.

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