Botox is widely acknowledged to be quite effective at reducing wrinkles and fine lines. However, injections are neither inexpensive nor a one-time treatment.

So, before you buy in Botox, you may want to do some basic math and figure out how long the results will last so you get your money’s worth. In our line of business, we frequently discuss injectibles, and we continually hear that people want to know how to lengthen the period between treatments as much as possible.

We asked dermatologist Dr. Stacy Chimento how long Botox lasts, how to prolong the results, and how often you should come in for touch-ups. 

What Is Botox?

Dr. Chimento said that Botox is a medication derived from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

According to Dr. Chimento, the injectable works by preventing your muscles from receiving nerve impulses that impede movement, hence erasing wrinkles and fine lines that commonly occur as a result of repetition (think: squinting).

The Benefits

Apart from reversing signs of aging, it’s also worth noting that Botox isn’t purely used for classy cosmetic purposes. Injections in a patient’s underarm can decrease hyperhidrosis — or excessive sweating — and injections in the head and neck can help to relieve migraines, noted Dr. Chimento.

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The Results

Dr. Chimento stated that Botox usually takes two weeks to take effect after injections. Once entirely set, the results can last anywhere from three to six months, however most patients can expect it to last about four months.

Your next query might be, “Do I have to get my next treatment right around the four-month mark?” The answer is completely dependent on your face, age, and the severity of the problem you’re addressing.

“I typically suggest that patients pay attention to where the Botox was administered and take note of when it begins to wear off,” Dr. Chimento said, adding that she usually suggests patients return in three to four months.

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How to Prolong Results

Apply Sunscreen Daily

Wearing SPF is important to stay protected against damaging UV rays and prolong your Botox results, too. According to Dr. Chimento, applying SPF can make the treatment last longer because UVA and UVB rays from the sun can “penetrate the skin and damage the longevity of your Botox treatment.”

She advised to apply an SPF every morning and avoid long periods of sun exposure. Also, grab your shades on those sunny days because squinting excessively can cause the treatment to wear off quickly or even create more lines.

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Invest in Anti-Pollution Skincare

Another thing that can damage the effects of Botox? Free radicals. Dr. Chimento suggested using an antioxidant serum to “neutralize free radicals” and protect your skin from pollution.

Look for Products with Skin “Plumping” Ingredients

If you’re looking for more ways to maintain the treatments, Dr. Chimento recommended looking for products that contain collagen and peptides to “plump” the skin, as well as assist the Botox in working properly for longer periods. She likes the SkinCeuticals Triple Lipid Restore because it “contains different cellular lipids like ceramides and fatty acids to encourage natural cell reproduction.”

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