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Money cannot buy happiness, but it can buy an iPhone 11 pro or that Louis Vuitton bag you always wanted. Human beings try hard to become financially secure all their life. Out of 328.2 million population of the USA, there are only 614 billionaires.
Wealth cannot be accumulated just by doing a 9 to 5 job. To make money from the scratch you ought to have a billionaire mindset. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and a lot of other billionaires have a set of unique habits that paved the way for them. If you want to experience the rich life, then here are 5 traits self-made billionaires have.
Go-getter personality; A self-made billionaire trait:
Billionaires don’t wait around for the right opportunity to strike. They put their heads into it and create an opportunity. Self-made billionaires are always on a lookout to find new ways, learn new skills, achieve goals daily. For example, N.R. Narayana Murthy, co-founder of Infosys, belonged to a poor family of India. He went to the public library daily and read everything he could get his hands on and later opened a software company which turned out to be a success.
The mind of an entrepreneur:
About 47% of billionaires are entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is someone who creates a living out of something they do passionately. You can adopt this mindset by observing entrepreneurs such as Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and a lot more. Self-made billionaires have the characteristics of being confident, decisive, focused, and not scared of failing.
Economical way of living:
Penny-pinching is a common trait among self-made billionaires. Bill Gates, a billionaire with a net worth of 113.7 billion, wears a 10$ wrist watch despite being super-rich. Warren Buffet, a self-made billionaire with a total net worth of 83.8 billion, still lives in the same house he bought in 1958. Moreover, he eats the same thing for breakfast and never exceeds his breakfast budget of 3.17$.
Self-made billionaires seek mentorship:
Everyone needs guidance when they start a new venture. Most successful self-made billionaires have mentors who taught them the dos and don’ts of their respective niche. Bill Gates consider Warren Buffet as his mentor. Oprah Winfrey’s mentor is Maya Angelou. These mentors aided their mentees with their experience and guided them towards success.
An incredible ability to focus:
Hyper-focusing is one of the many traits self-made billionaires process. Knowing how to do everything doesn’t make you a billionaire, however, focusing to master a single thing can make you rich. John Paul Dejoria, the founder of Patron spirits Co. and co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems, was homeless at the age of 22 with a child. But with his entrepreneurial skills, he made a wealth of 2.7 billion. All of this wouldn’t be possible without the ability to focus.
In a nutshell
If you adopt the characteristics of self-made billionaires, you can hit the jackpot too. With utmost determination and hard work, it is possible to say goodbye to all your money problems and enjoy the pleasures of life.
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