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Congratulations to all those expecting yet very cautious mommies out there. For most of you, the period of extreme nausea and exhaustion has come to an end. You must be thinking about buying clothes and furniture for the baby’s arrival. Making sure everything’s comfortable and best for your baby. At the same time, you must take care of your health and your baby’s health. Keep an eye on your nutrition and fetal growth.
During pregnancy, food touches two souls together. It’s very important to choose healthy food in this significant period, food that provides nourishment and keeps you and your baby healthy. The second trimester starts from week 13 and ends at week 28. During this significant period, the weight and length of the fetus grow along with the growth of organs. To develop healthy bones and for the development of the brain, healthy food is required.
Let’s have a look at the food items that are healthy for both mama and baby.
Dairy products
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are the best sources to provide the calcium, protein, and vitamin D. During the second trimester, increased calcium and vitamins are required to develop the strong and structured bones of the baby. Add the intake of milk, yogurt, and cheese during breakfast or snack time and get enough calcium for the two of you. Cheese meets the protein requirement too. This calcium intake will facilitate building a baby’s teeth and skeletal system development.
Eggs keep you healthy during the second trimester. You may call it “All in one” small and perfect package. This package provides you protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals. Egg yolks are rich in Vitamin D. During the second trimester, women are recommended to take additional vitamins through diet and supplements. Eggs boost the brain and muscle development of your fetus. Eat them in breakfast or if you like to add the chopped eggs in the salad.
It is vital to take vegetables during the second trimester. It is a highly significant time when you require most nutrients. Vegetables that contain vitamins, folic acid, calcium, and high fibers are as follows:
Broccoli: It is the best choice during the second trimester as it has everything your body and baby need to grow. Broccoli has calcium, folate, high fiber, and vitamin C. It is best known as a vegetable that absorbs iron.
Sweet potatoes: One cup of baked potato has vitamins A, B and C along with manganese and fibers. It is important for the development of bones and the brain of the fetus. Sweet potatoes also increase iron absorption.
Spinach: Almost every pregnant lady faces iron deficiencies. Spinach has a good amount of iron and folic acid that decreases the chances of amnesia. It has Vitamin A and C. Vitamin A is crucial for the development of fetal lungs and weight gain. These developments take place during the second trimester. Vitamin C boosts the immune system and metabolism process. It also prevents high blood pressure.
Leeks: An excellent choice to stay healthy. Vitamins, minerals, potassium, calcium, and folate are all available in leeks. One cup leek has 52.5 mg calcium, 40 mg vitamin K. All these nutrients foster the growth of fetal bones and skeleton. The vitamin B and K in leeks metabolize energy and clot blood.
Fruits have all the fibers, vitamins, folates, and carbohydrates that you require during the second trimester. The best choice of fruits during the second trimester are listed below:
Avocados: Avocados are excellent for healthy fats, fibers, and folates. It prevents anemia, supports digestion, and helps in fetal growth. Interestingly, there are many different ways you can eat these. You may add it in salad or roast at 180 degrees. Have the slices in breakfast or eat it in dinner with sweet potatoes.
Apricot: It is good for the baby’s bones, teeth, and overall growth. It has vitamin, calcium, potassium, and iron that increases hemoglobin. Apricots are good for your eyes and maintain sugar levels as well.
Pears: One of the friendly fruit during the second trimester. Pears are rich in carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and potassium. Pear prevents you from infections. It supports eye development and kidney development of the fetus. It is also good for the development of nervous and respiratory systems.
Guava: It is very beneficial for a healthy pregnancy. Guava is rich in vitamins and folate that prevents stomach and blood pressure issues. Guava also maintains cholesterol levels and increases the hemoglobin level. Guava is also known for energy-boosting.
Not a food or a fruit but the most important nutrient. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. During your pregnancy, you are recommended to iron or vitamin supplements that may cause constipation issues. Hence, you must drink a glass of water every hour to ease digestion. Staying hydrated is important and it keeps you fresh too. It also reduces the anxiety you may have during your second trimester. Drinking plenty of water prevents urinary tract infection which is common in pregnancy.
Ending Note
Start with making your diet plan for the second trimester. Make sure you add each item mentioned above in the schedule. Have a proper breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Combine the vegetables and fruits and make a tasty salad for an evening snack. Stay healthy and grow during your second trimester.
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